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Day14 *Freshness*

Proposed by Halya

Waking up I crave for a new day and for the freshness it might bring along. I start creating it and hoping that the day will catch up and bring more of it in various incarnations. I begin by working on a sort of freshness seduction. I make the space around me fresh inviting and attracting more freshness.

I spray the air and plants playing with the drops of water, touching them in the air, trying to catch them as they settle down.

Waves of sprinkles softly land on the leaves, the sun is playing with tiny drops of water that after all slowly drip through the leaf, from the top all the way down. I feel life, movement, freshness in the room. In this meditative state I forget of all my duties, tasks, routine. I move gently between the rooms to see whether the fresh spirit has spread all around. The day begins! It tastes of freedom.

Invitation to share:

There are many ways to create freshness. I invite you to share yours.

Share how you add freshness to your day?

How does freshness taste for you?

Do you see it around you?


Today's Freshness is introduced by lower temperatures and strong wind. I stepped out from the house and here it was - in my face then in my bones. It carries me, nourishes me. Making me smile and happy. Also my skin feels great. I love how fresh air from the wind or chilli weather making my skin feel. Also the sea air! Oh I love the smell of the sea and the fresh wind it brings. I miss the sea! 

Cold showers or wild swimming brings Freshness. Deep Breathing practice also brings Freshness into my life. 

Freshness is a feeling and a state of being. 


Since the terrible battle against our friends from the dust that took place last year, I welcome freshness in my appartment every morning by opening the windows and enjoying the fresh air. If I have a little time I go for a little lemon water on the balcony. I find that lemon is a good taste for freshness. When I have plenty time like now a meditation, and I enjoy the breeze on my skin while I listen with closed eyes. Regularly on Sundays, I wash my sheets and love to hung the next ones at the windows so they feel fresh and nice when I’ll go to bed.

These days my skin feels dry and itchy, and the skin on my knuckles tend to crack. I assumed it was the signal to revive this ancient war against the dust, and went crazy rampage this weekend. But now I discovered it was a common symptom of a too dry skin, fairly common when washing your hands to often. Sometimes you pick on coincidences to learn a lesson. Well, it jusy seems about time to introduce some fresh sprayed water in my life, so thank you for that.


Freshness for me these days can take different forms. From opening my window and letting more sun in. Having a walk if I can. Watering my plants. Vacuum cleaning my room. Petting my cat. But I will focus now on a little ritual which makes more sense now that I am much more home and most of the time in my pyjama. In the end of the afternoon I usually look into my closet and pick some colourful clothes that I usually do not wear so often and I pick one outfit. I take a shower. I dress up. I put a bit of make up. Some earrings. As if it was the start of something. It gives me the feeling that the evening is a little bit more special. After a day working behind my computer, after feeling a little trashy and slow, it gives me the impression that the evening might be full of surprise.


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