Take few minutes to draw or paint your memory of the sea.
(as we can't anymore have a walk at the beach)
I use a white canvas, a sponge and cheap paints mixed with water.
You can choose to use your own elements.
Start by choosing the base: a paper, a canvas, or a piece of wood
Then gather the other elements you want to use (anything that can help you create your colours)
I give some tips in the video which you can also follow if you like. For the ones who do not speak dutch, you can just follow from what you see.
Set a timer of 15mn.
and start.
If you want me to post your remambrance of the sea on the blog, send me them to me at info[a]mohaproject.com and I'll add them here.

Alice, 26/03/20

Ivan, 26/03/20

Clement, 27/03/20

Zsofi, 27/03/20

Olivia, 29/03/20

Marc, 29/03/20