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28/03/20 - Kinkerstraat - Alice
I often look at this lamp hanging in between my house and the buildings in front of it.
It is a grey, basic lamp. Nothing spectaculair. it disappears in the landscaped around.
This lamp almost became my neighbour
and now that we are all confined
It looks like it connects two mountains
Like a cable car a "telepherique"
It looks like it connects me to my neighbours
Something to send secret messages with
Something to keep social distancing
A place for mini people to have a drink in
A floating bar
The cool club in town
Today I see two people sitting in it, having a talk.

29.03.20 Amsterdam East - Fiamma
Everyday when I look outside the window I see these three guys
Especially these days, when not many people are around, they act as neighborhood keepers.
They quietly sit there and watch that everything is in order
Their role is so important for the safety of our neighborhood, that people come sometimes and leave them a present.
Chairs, Vases, sometimes even couches!


As I look out my small bathroom window and turn my head slightly to the left - I have noticed the magnificent hills at the background (of you can't see them zoom into the picture) and I also noticed those little moss families on my 'conservatory' roof. Pretty much everything is alive around us - like all of those moss on the roof. What are they doing, what are they thinking, what are they feeding off? Some of them with their friends or families, some of them our alone. Some young some aged. Some bigger some smaller. They are alive and well and they are being as they should be. Living.
I said hi to them and I know they heard me 🙂

I see these guys from my balcony in Budapest.
They remind me of pilgrims that once roamed the roads leading towards Santiago de Compostela. It is as if going over a hill they stumbled upon a paysage that took them by surprise: a country, that they didn't know existed, laying in the valley beneath the hill. The pilgrims gaze at us before moving on and we – confined to our flats – stare back at them from our plagued waste land.