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DAY1 * The Lonely Love Dance *


I am honoured to share with you the first Care action of this series.

I would like to invite you today to join me for "The Lonely love Dance"

The Lonely Love Dance is simple

Choose a song that you always come back to when you want to feel good.

Go in your room.

Close the door.

Play the song (very loud if this is possible where you are- otherwise any volumes work no worries)

Dance as you dance when you are lonely

Dance as you dance when no one is watching

Dance as you dance as if this was the last dance

Dance as you dance as if this was the best music ever

Dance as you dance as if you were in love with yourself

Dance just the way you like it.

If you want (but this is optional) film yourself, and send the video to me, I will add it to this blog in the post of today so that we can pump each other's day.

You can send it via Wetransfer to this address: info[a] or post it in the comments below.

suggestion of song if you are uninspired:

Voyage voyage

Stuck in the middle with you

Trois nuits par semaine

Je danse le Mia

words don't come easy

Down in Mexico

Shimmy Shimmy ya


Because the night





Laure 05/04/20

Clement 08/04/20

Ola 15/04/20


Lucie Chaptal
Lucie Chaptal
Apr 15, 2020

Also for dancing:


B Clement
Mar 22, 2020

This is AWESOME !! I had completely forgotten how much I can enjoy dancing in my living rooms, I definitely should try and remember that trick.

Can you maybe share a playlist ? You always think of great happy tunes, I'm sure it would help people to just get started :)


Ivan Shakhov
Ivan Shakhov
Mar 21, 2020


© MOHA. Amsterdam 2020

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